Banks O’Dee Sports Club completed an expansion in September 2014. The expansion included a large functional area, Brand new 46-person studio, Personal Training Studio etc. As a result, new equipment was needed to fill these areas. After Leisure Industry Week (LIW) Banks O’Dee composed a list of equipment, including upgrading their current free weight attachments and bars.

Jordan was able to provide everything on their list, including Slam Balls, Dumbbells, Medicine Balls, Kettlebells and more - all in a variety of weights and colours. The equipment has been placed in a new functional area and small studio. The new extension has allowed Banks O’Dee to open up a freeweights area, offering new attachments and bars. The Jordan Hex Bar is a particular favorite with Club members.

“We were delighted with the diverse range of products Jordan has on offer. Their prompt service meant that any adjustments to our order were processed quickly and delivery times were good too. Thanks to Jordan’s friendly and knowledgeable Sales Team we have a brand new functional area full of great equipment.” – Amanda Young, Assistant Manager at Banks O’Dee Sports Club

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