Here's an update from another of our sponsees, Daniel Hughes, who is looking to raise £1 million by placing a red nose on top of Mount Everest in 2013 to raise money for Comic Relief. We're helping Daniel with his training programme by supplying kettlebells, sandbags and an air stability disc:

So,  in 6 months time, i'll be blasting off on the most important and dangerous mission of my life. 

But before then there is just the small matter of raising £1million and getting super fit.  I thought I'd send you a little update:



This is the campaign hashtag and I'm encouraging all Everest Million supporters to use this. Simple and hopefully emotive. For me its all about the people we're trying to help.


October 27th - Nike run to the beats. A half marathon in London with 18,000 people. I'm going for broke and aiming to run as fast as i can!

October 31st - First session at the Gatorade Sports Science Institute. The centre where team GB athletes get tested, this is going to be really special and we're filming it.

November 11th - Ball Buster - A lung busting Run, Cycle, Run challenge on Boxhill (olympic cycle route loop).

December - Further climbing / challenges.

January 12th 2013 -  The Spine Challenger. A gruelling 108 mile race across the Pennines on foot. This will be my most gruelling physical challenge in preparation for Everest.

February 2013: Waterfall ice climbing in France

29th March 2013: Leave for Everest.

May 2013:  Anticipated summit


Everest Million Episodes:

The first Everest Million episode is currently on Virgin Media Tivo home screen. The next episode has already been filmed, and there's a busy schedule of filming in the next few months.

It can also be found online:


 Campaign Video:

 This is currently being produced and will feature Coldplay's music. It should be a powerful tool to attract more Everest Million followers.


Social Media:

Very keen to start building the Everest Million followers, in particular on Facebook. I believe this is going to be a pivotal tool, to share the campaign and most importantly get people to donate!

Please could we work together to mutually build our social media base. 


Twitter:  @everestmillion


Here's a sneaky peak as to what's coming:



The End Goal:

Quite simply I want to smash this out of the park. Both in terms of the £1million target and the experience for our followers. Between us we've got a phenomenal opportunity to do this and I'd greatly appreciate any further help you could offer to make this a reality!

To help Daniel reach his target of £1 Million please go to

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